The early members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the "Mormon" church) didn't just move straight from New York to Utah... the move took 14 years! So the reasons vary. Only about a year after the Church was organized, most of it's members moved from New York to Kirtland, Ohio. This is because a large group of people in Kirtland had joined the Church, and it was decided that it would be best for the New York members to move to join these new Ohio members. Soon after, some groups of Mormons were sent to Missouri to settle what was intended on being Zion, the headquarters of the Church.
Pompey was a roman city and mt.Vesuvius was the reason the people of Pompey were wiped out
<h3>The Zhou created the Mandate of Heaven: the idea that there could be only one legitimate ruler of China at a time, and that this ruler had the blessing of the gods. They used this Mandate to justify their overthrow of the Shang, and their subsequent rule.</h3>
<u>82</u> years passed between the Monroe doctrine and its exten-sion the Roosevelt coro-llary.
In his annual mess-ages to Congress in 1904 and 1905, Presi-dent Theodore Roosevelt expan-ded the Monroe Doctrine. The corollary sta-ted that not only were the nati-ons of the Western Hemisphere not open to coloni-zation by European powers, but that the Uni-ted States had the respons-ibility to preserve order and pro-tect life and pro-perty in those countries.
In the history of United States foreign poli-cy, the Roosevelt Corollary was an add-ition to the Monroe Doctrine articul-ated by President Theodore Roosevelt in his State of the Uni-on address in 1904 after the Vene-zuelan crisis of 1902–1903.
To know more about Monroe Doctrine click below
C. Nuclear power provides electricity at the lowest cost.