Consumer report would help determine the best technology to buy.
Resheach thngs that instrest him and that fit the guidlines
operating system
System software are those programs that many refer to as computer programs. The most basic function of system software is to manage the computer systems. It acts as an interface between the computer’s hardware and the end user. System software converts instructions that end users give to the computer into a machine understandable language. Examples of system software include operating systems, utility programs, device drivers, and windows systems. The operating system is responsible for the functioning of all the computer’s hardware parts. It is the software loaded into the system when the computer boots up. It manages everything, from the memory, to the CPU, and many other different tasks.
We will be going inside B array, because he was in second place in array E,and will be the first element of array B, so it's 35
E can be understanded as:
E=[[21, 'dog', 'red'],[35, 'cat', 'blue'],[12, 'fish', 'green']], so, you can see array E as array of arrays or so-called two-dimensional array