The sentence that best revises the supportive evidence is As a result, students who typically arrive late will wake up earlier and leave home sooner.
Revision is the action or process of reviewing, editing and improving
Following this statement, the option D gives us the best an logical order at the moment of presenting the argument and the supporting evidence as a most likely result of the proposal.
You can acheive the appropriate writing style for your writing essay by using combination writing, or explanitory writing.
A. Particles no longer move.
At first he ignores it, then asks the man to come forward. In the end, he dismisses the Soothsayer's warning to beware the ides of March
Friendship means being comfortable around each other in silence. Friendship means being able to tell each other anything and understanding without questions. Benefits: Boost your happiness and reduce your stress and
Improve your self-confidence and self-worth.