I Would say Correct, Red is a color.
El ratòn está detractors del teclado
for people who speak English...
Make complete sentences with the elements given. Use the past or imperfect as appropriate and make any necessary changes.
1. you / go / Mar del Plata / and / rest / every summer
2. travelers / walking / for five days / in the desert / but / never / finding / water
3. when / you / have / a year / start / walk
4. after several attempts / Angela and I / being able / to build / a house of cards
"Me puede dar dos tacos con silantro y no cebolla por favor, y tambien un refresco de cocacola."
ok so my spelling sucks because i haven't been to mexicos school in years now so you should probably check that.
wow I am bilingual, but I only speak French and English