(in mythology and fairy tales) a mischievous imp or sprite.
Dear [Insert Name]
Im writing to you today to give you some advice on how to learn to play the piano. You may know that this instrument is a work of art, it has been played though many generations and the works that can be made just evolve as time goes by. The piano is an instrument that allows your mind to work differently and complexly. You must learn to control both your hands and make them work together as they both do different tasks to create 1 masterpiece.
going on.... you should both practice on your own and if you have the time and money, you can hire a tutor or ask for help. It all depends on what suits you best. It is a mind blowing task that I am putting out to you but I hope that my words are sufficient to help you start out on your musical journey.
Best Regards,
[Insert name]