From top to bottom
Commas are used when listing 3 or more things and when adding details to something (like saying "Jennie, my little sister" or "Tom and Brent, my best friends").
Point of view is what the character or narrator telling the story can see his or her perspective. The author chooses “who” is to tell the story by determining the point of view. This viewpoint will give the narrator a partial or whole view of events as they happen.
They built schools where people learn.
They built hospitals where people get treated.
They spread Islam.
They brought new crop that people eat nowadays.
The description of everyday details of the room and the character help the reader to understand that the character is an actual bug.
Option D
The Metamorphosis is mezzobula written by Franz Kafka tells the story of a sales man named Gregor Samsa who on a fine morning wakes to know that he inexplicably got transformed into an insect.
From the passage we can interpret that the main character Gregor describes the room in his point of view as he has transformed into a gigantic bug. In addition to that it describes his feeling of discord and lack of harmony.
The message of the story is more central to all of the readers and it expresses the struggles that we face to express our own identities in all over the world.
Determined is defined as <span> having a strong feeling that you are going to do something and that you will not allow anyone get in your way.
Stubborn is defined as </span><span>having or showing dogged determination not to change one's attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so.
Connotation of determined and stubborn is being strong-willed and resolute. When you are determined, you have decided to do something. When you are stubborn, in doing what you have to do and presented with arguments, you still decided to continue what you are doing regardless of what others say.