Escuche a un alumno explicar el proceso de reciclaje. Coloque las instrucciones (a-g) en el orden correcto (1-7).
A. Desde el centro de reciclaje, los materiales reciclados van a las fábricas, donde los utilizan para fabricar nuevos productos.
B. Lo primero que debe hacer es asegurarse de separar correctamente la basura en casa.
C. Luego, compras los productos elaborados con materiales reciclados.
D. continuación, la empresa de reciclaje vacía los contenedores y lo lleva todo a un centro de reciclaje ...
E. Finalmente, el proceso comienza de nuevo: su basura se puede reciclar con frecuencia ..
F. La segunda cosa que debe hacer es poner la basura separada en los contenedores de reciclaje adecuados para su recolección.
G. Después de eso, los nuevos productos van a las tiendas.
In grammar, a question tag is a very short clause at the end of a statement which changes the statement into a question. For example, in 'She said half price, didn't she?' , the words 'didn't she' are a question tag.
53. Good
54. cross out them and put the girls, the guys, or a group name
55. remove benjamin and me
56. replace you with a persons name
57. replace you with a name
D. Take
Investing something means earning something or taking something.
Madison defined a faction as a number of citizens, whether a majority or a minority of the whole, who unite and act by some common interest or passion which is contrary to the rights and interests of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of a community. It is likely that Madison would consider corporations as a faction, as they fulfill many of these requirements.
Corporations are united by a common interest: profit and productivity. These interests remain the same whether they contribute to the long term improvement of society or not. In fact, they are often opposed to them, as is the case with environmental concerns or income disparity.
It is likely that Madison would react by saying that the government was built as a safeguard against factions. If we want corporations to have less power or to behave in ethical ways, we have to elect representatives that have those interests at heart.