In the late 19th century the habits of the theatergoers was not the best. In fact, they were mostly a rural audience, and sometimes they were rowdy. The managers of the theaters tried to make everyone behave in a civil manner. One of the main complains was the tobacco spit all over the floor around the entertainment venues. At some point those people were required to carry a spittoon to avoid spitting in the floor.
Theatergoers were not required to sit still and be quiet like they do now. They actually ate and drank during the presentation, and sometimes interrupted the performance. Theater owners were very concerned with these disturbances and tried to enforce good behavior.
Even though there was some occasional annoying behavior by theatergoers, for the most part they were very polite, responsive and receptive to the performance.
1945 by the Western Allies was 1,500,000.[1]<span> April also witnessed the capture of at least 120,000 German troops by the Western Allies in the last campaign of the war in Italy.</span><span> In the three or four months up to the end of April, over 800,000 German soldiers surrendered on the Eastern Front.</span><span>In early April, the first </span>Allied<span>-governed </span>Rheinwiesenlagers<span> were established in western Germany to hold hundreds of thousands of captured or surrendered </span>Axis Forces<span> personnel. </span>Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force<span> (SHAEF) reclassified all prisoners as </span>Disarmed Enemy Forces<span>, not </span>POWs<span> (prisoners of war). The </span>legal fiction<span> circumvented provisions under the </span>Geneva Convention of 1929<span> on the treatment of former combatants.</span><span>By October, thousands had died in the camps from starvation, exposure and disease.</span>
German Inflation
Blinded by idea of peace and lead to WWII
I'm really bad at writing but I wanna help the best I can
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I hope this helps