Philosophers and other thinkers had many different ideas and propositions about the possible connection between reason and the physical world. One of them is the one you've posted, however, that doesn't mean it's universally recognized or true.
Jailed. They were not well liked so they weren't praised.
Although characteristics varied slightly with each small settlement, the primary characteristics that spread through them all was hard work, and a fear of God.
The North’s well-established government gave it a distinct advantage.
Answer: Option D
The northern side had certain advantages and benefits over the south when the civil war started. Some of these advantages were that the north had an industrial revolution going on and there was growth, the government of the north was well established, the population of the north was more than that of the south and it was more wealthy and had many assets giving it more advantages.
The conflict arose because the US citizens wanted to spread towards the western shores and pushed the Natives out of their land and forced them to migrate. The conflict didn't get resolved since there was war and fighting because many didn't want to go, but in the end they were placed in reservations.