contralateral; contralateral
The cerebral cortex is a thin layer inside the brain which covers a outer portion of the brain's cerebrum. Its main function is speech, movement, intelligence and memory.
The cerebral cortex is divided into two hemispheres lengthways which are connected by corpus callosum. Each cerebral hemisphere receives the inputs from the contralateral or opposite side of the body and it also controls the contralateral side of the body.
Dopaminergic activity means "working on dopamine", related to dopamine. It increases the level of dopamine in brain in reaction to a stimulus. The adrenaline rush in the blood excites the pleasure received by the cells.
Various brain imaging studies show that an increased dopamine in the neuron when a heterosexual man looks at a picture of attractive women is due to the signals sent into the brain that increases the level of dopamine. It is a reaction of body to pleasure and a comfort received by the neuro-cells. It is also noted when they receive money as it also excites a stimulus reaction in the body. Thus, increasing the level of dopamine in the brain.
7 slogans for you
Fighting for gender equality is not a responsibility for women only. The society should be held accountable for it too.
2. As long as there are words like gender floating around in society, there can be no real equality.
3. Why do we need gender roles when there are lip-smacking sushi rolls to enjoy?
4. It is not a matter of job or race or height. Every individual deserves to be treated well and treated right.
5. There is a ‘man’ in every ‘woman’, a ‘he’ in every ‘she’ and a ‘hero’ in every ‘heroine’. Give her an equal opportunity, and you will see the benefit with your own eyes.
6. Move ahead of stereotypical gender binaries. Look around, and there are a lot more than masculine and feminine. Build a society that gives an equal opportunity to all.
7. Treat every man and every woman as a human. Neither is superior nor better nor more intelligent nor more hard working.
The concept of risk behaviour refers to a lifestyle/actions that placed people at a certain negative risk in order to get a certain positive reward.
For example, some people ill try to mount climbing on an extreme terrain in order to get an adrenaline rush. Another example would be someone who opened up a new business by risking the loss of his/her entire fortune.