Anabaptism is the name for several related branches of continental European lay Protestantism. These groups first began emerging after 1525 and were most prominent in (but not limited to) German and Dutch speaking territories. In German and Dutch the terms Wiedertaufer and wederdooper (rebaptizers) carry old, negative connotations
By 1812, Spain was added to Napoleon's Empire.
Equal rights for African Americans. The demonstration was a march (for the sake of time I'll use AfnAmn an abbreviation for African American)that was organized by John Lewis a leader in SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Commitie).Dr. Martin Luther King jr spoke in Selma also.
Answer: Believed it went against law of nature
Voltaire argued that religious intolerance was against the law of nature and was worse than the “right of the tiger” (1763) Towards the end of his long life Voltaire took the courageous stand of defending a Protestant family against religious intolerance and legal persecution.
The First Battle of the Marne.