Answer: Soft money is the type of funds which are not regulated by the federal election commission when the political parties receive funds from business and organizations.
Federal Election Commission (FEC) has the sole responsibility to monitor the operations of polling during campaigning activities of all the political parties. All political parties of the US nation have to incur huge expenses to propagate the party agenda as well as objectives in the time of the public campaign. But FEC has categorized the type of funds that can be sourced by the political parties.
Hard money is the source of funds that are audited properly and regulated by the FEC. While Soft money is also the source of funds that do not have appropriate accountability and also not fully regulated by the FEC. Soft money is fully sponsored by the corporate ventures to the political parties to get their support in time of need during the phase of political emergency requirement.
Answer: Decrease; Also decrease
Explanation: Conditioning is a process of learning and behavior modification through stimulus-response mechanisms on the central nervous system of the individual. This process is linked to Behaviorism.
The conditioned stimulus is a previously neutral stimulus that, after becoming associated with the unconditioned stimulus, eventually triggers a conditioned response.
Try to change his theory to correlate with the new observations, otherwise, discard his theory.
For scientist to develop a thoery, he must be able to follow the following steps:
1. Making of observation
2. List out questions relating to the object of research
3. Create hypotheses
4. Form prediction on the basis of hypotheses
5. Test the prediction
6. Perform iteration
Hence, if the predictions of the theory correlates with the results of the test, the theory will be temporarily confirmed. Otherwise, the scientist should try to change his theory to correlates or be in accordance with the new observations and, if he cannot do so, discard his theory.
Answer:sold to the public, that constitute an ownership stake in a corporation. They come in all sizes -- you can invest in a large, global company,