The sum of 3 fifthteens and 17 fifthteens is 20 fifthteens and 20 fifthteens is expressed as (20 x 15)=300
Romulus Augustulus established the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire began when Augustus Caesar assumed the position of the first emperor of Rome and ended, in the west, when the last Roman emperor, Romulus Augustulus, was dethroned by the Germanic King Odoacer.
1. they wrote in the vernacular; they wrote either for self-expression or to portray the individuality of their subjects.
Tried my best. Hope this helps! Please spell check, mine is being buggy today.
The parts of the stories that could be considered fountational myth is the fact that race was a word before whites and blacks met. It was a word with meant a competitive sport in which to people try to win over the other. It was added to with a secound definition after they noticed different ethnicities. Secoundly, it doesn't really explain what the need for the thrid to last sentence was. If it had gone into further clarity, maybe it would've tied in, but as it is it just doesn't make any sense. Lastly, it doesn't explain what whites were before the term race was invented. It comments about it, but that's as far as it goes.
Because Hispanics in the American Civil War fought on both the Union and Confederate sides of the conflict. Not all the Hispanics who fought in the American Civil War were "Hispanic-Americans", in other words citizens of the United States. Many of them were Spanish subjects or nationals from countries in the Caribbean, Central and South America.