An inhabitants of the ancient Roman empire influence
war for independence vital to the victory of the revolution
Military communications have to be coded to keep them secret from the enemy. However the process of coding and decoding are time consuming processes. Furthermore the codes may be broken by the enemy. Nations have devoted considerable effort trying to create unbreakable codes. In World War II both Germany and Japan thought they had such unbreakable codes, but in fact these codes were broken and their most vital information were readily available to their enemies.
In sum, Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin widened the chasm between the North and the South, greatly strengthened Northern abolitionism, and weakened British sympathy for the Southern cause. The most influential novel ever written by an American, it was one of the contributing causes of the Civil War.
to house people working on new deal projects
the ccc was apart of the new deal legislation combating unemployment and putting thousands of young men to work on environmental conservation projects