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Read the passage from Beowulf. "They marched in step, hurrying on till the timbered hall rose before them, radiant with gold. Nobody on earth knew of another building like it. Majesty lodged there, its light shone over many lands."
Which feature of Old English poetry did this modern translation maintain?
full lines
short pauses
Answer: alliteration
Alliteration refers to the presence of the same letter or sound, at the beginning of either adjacent or words that are near to each other.
Alliteration used to be the main required structure in Old English poetry.
In this case, alliteration is used in the "till the timbered" line, because all adjacent words start with the letter 't'.
Answer: Somehow, they annoy Big Mo, the toughest kid in town: Rising Action. Nell decides to confront Big Mo and tell him to leave them alone: Climax. Nobody would have predicted it, but they all wind up best friends: Resolution. Nell and her younger brother Thomas arrive in the gloomy town: Exposition.
B. The narrator realizes that one person can have a big impact on others without even realizing.
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