It is the 2 free enterprise economy
The concept of distribution channel, also called the sales channel, defines and marks the different stages that a product or service goes through from the manufacturer to the end consumer. The purpose of the distribution channel of a service is to make the product available to consumers and, to achieve this, an intermediation system is developed between the producing company and the consumer: the commercial distribution system.
The ownership of the property of the product will determine the type of channel, which may be different depending on the length of the distribution channel: direct channel, indirect channel, short channel, long channel.
The Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution provides that the Congress shall have the power to regulate interstate and foreign commerce. The plain meaning of this language might indicate a limited power to regulate commercial trade between persons in one state and persons outside of that state.
Yo hago por que? Aunque no soy buena en eso
You dont want to do that for something very important