A lot of people dont like to accept the theory of evolution due to religion and etc.
The Pure Food and Drug Act required improved food handling processes and procedures.
The Meat Inspection Act required the inspection of the meat processed and the sanitary practices used.
Upton Beall Sinclair Jr. an American progressive writer whose book "The Jungle" where he presented the harsh conditions of the people. He also exposed the unsatisfactory and unsanitary conditions of the meatpacking industry in Chicago in 1906.
Considered a muckraker, his book exposes the corruption and malpractices of the government in this case, the meatpacking industry. The book brought so much uproar that it led to the implementation of the<u> Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act in the year 1906</u>. These two Acts were thus, the result of Sinclair's novel "The Jungle".
A hyphen is used to connect two words together and the exclamation and period are used to end a complete sentence. A dash is used in the middle of a sentence which is where information follows it.
It explains what's happening with bat (object)