Which of the following excerpts is the best example of foreshadowing in the passage?
Answer: We need a passage of some sort to answer the question.
The correct word is who. Because, The sentence "I like people who sing" makes more sense then "I like people whom sing"
Hope I helped!
- Amber
Answer: Rainsford ultimately has to decide if he will kill or be killed.
There are a lot of dark actions in this story, and the above quick synopsis highlights two of them: General Zaroff decides to hunt humans for sport, and Rainsford has to decide whether to kill Zaroff or get killed. The intentions and eotions, as you can imagine, are diverse: fear of death, anger at being hunted, the need to survive... there are more, but this will give you a start.
Because it is asking what Rainsford had to decide that was really dark
To call it a day is to quit work and go home / to say the days work has been completed.
(a) Yah! Just lemme get over it alone.