In python Language:
cardNotation = raw_input("Enter card notation: ")
# Create a dict for values
cardColors = {"D": "Diamonds",
"H": "Hearts",
"S": "Spades",
"C": "Clubs"}
cardNumberValues = {"A": "Ace",
"J": "Jack",
"Q": "Queen",
"K": "King",
"2": "Two",
"3": "Three",
"4": "Four",
"5": "Five",
"6": "Six",
"7": "Seven",
"8": "Eight",
"9": "Nine",
"10": "Ten"}
# Handle cases when 10 comes in input
if len(cardNotation) == 3:
number = cardNotation[:2]
color = cardNotation[2:]
print cardNumberValues.get(number) + " of " + cardColors.get(color)
elif len(cardNotation) == 2:
number = cardNotation[:1]
color = cardNotation[1:]
print cardNumberValues.get(number) + " of " + cardColors.get(color)
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct StudentType{
string studentName;
int studentId;
int n;
char answer[20];
int main(){
cout<< "Enter the size of the array: ";
cin >> n;
StudentType *student = new StudentType(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
int name;
int number;
cin>> name;
cin >> number;
student[i].studentName = name;
student[i].studentId = number;
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++){
cout<< "Enter answers: ";
cin >> ans;
answer[i] = ans;
The C++ source code has three global variables namely, answer which is an array of character data type, StudentType which is a structure data type and the integer variable n. The main function declares and initializes the dynamic-spaced student array of the structure datatype with the n variable.
What's the question your asking here cause I'd be happy to answer it.
the rest all move by pulling while the wedge needs to be hit
the answer is c duplicate slide