It connects because it can determines how they view their beliefs
So what I mean is whatever religion is believed then it can determine how and what they eat what they make and what the culture does
Cathedral of coventry
Coventry Cathedral, also known as Saint Michael's Cathedral, is the seat of the Coventry Bishopric and the Diocese of Coventry (Anglican Diocese), and is located in the city of the same name, in the county of West Midlands, in England (United Kingdom).
The executive branch: main power to deal with foreign powers.
the legislative: makes laws and has the power to ajust taxes and made up of two houses Senate and house of reps.
the judicial: is to interpret the laws and also revoke laws that they find unconstitutional.
The Cold War revived the anti-communist hysteria that had gripped the United States after World War I. In 1947 Congress revived the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC), opposed by Herb Block since its inception in the 1930s and declared by President Truman to be itself the most un-American activity. Herb Block comments: "The FBI, under J. Edgar Hoover, helped provide the committee with material from its aptly named ‘raw files'. Some producers, directors and screen writers refused to testify or to play the ‘name game' in which the committee demanded the names of associates, who could then be called on to name others thus providing an ever-expanding list of suspects to be summoned.