I'm describing the word: wants
Some regular equivalent words of need are pine for, ache for, want, and wish. While every one of these words signify "to have an aching for," need explicitly proposes a felt need or need. Also, " desire, crave, covet."
D. Spending tax revenues
Fiscal policies are the actions of the executive wing of the government to alter its spending and taxation strategies to achieve macroeconomic objectives. Fiscal policies are the activities of adjusting government spending and taxation in the economy.
The government receives data on the state of the economy from various agencies. The government adjusts its spending and taxes to influence the level of economic activities to achieve steady growth and stable prices.
B. is not liable because Mike was on a frolic of his own.
Mike who is a dispatch rider, decided to see his girlfriend, Jackie, who lived 50 miles off his pizza route. He had an accident while driving to his girlfriend's, and injured a pedestrian, Chuck due to his negligent driving.
Under the circumstances, Frank's Pizza isn't liable because Mike was on a frolic of his own. Mike embarking on a 50 mile drive to see his girlfriend is frolicsome and outside the scope of his employment as a delivery agent.
Hence, this will absolve his employer from any liability as he wasn't working on the designated route at the time.