Answer: This occurs where streams radiate outward from an isolated mountain peak. Most volcanic islands have this pattern.
The Colorado stream is extremely helpless by human abuse, natural issues, and destitute stream administration procedure. As a especially over-apportioned water asset, the water quality of the stream is jeopardized by agrarian overdraw, that will increment the saltiness of the stream. to boot, this overdraw is overstated by climactic changeability. With overstated temperature and variable precipitation, the amount of snowmelt contributive to the stream of the stream will exclusively diminish, that subsequently diminishes its capacity capability.
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4. Future
Certain process that deals with atmospheric emission are given as under.
Atmospheric emission is the root cause of diffusion pollutant gases in the earth's environment. Mostly caused due to the contamination the air by aerosols.
Certain process used to deal with such type of atmospheric emissions. Like
1. Measuring the pollutant content of air.
2. Keeping a check on vehicular emissions.
3. Meeting the set targets or goals set up by the United nations.
4. Proper disposal of wastes and proper solid waste management.
5. Cleaning and purification of rivers on a daily basis.
6. reducing the use of fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides.
7. Controlling the impact of fossil fuels, and banning plastic burning.
8. Reducing global warming and climate change impacts.