1. May 29, 1851: Sojourner Truth delivers her “Ain't I a Woman” speech.
2. 1869: Susan B. ...
3. August 18, 1920: Women win the right to vote.
4. June 10, 1963: The Equal Pay Act passes.
5. July 10, 1971: Gloria Steinem, Bella Abzug, and Betty Friedan form the National Women's Political Caucus.
6. 1971: Gloria Steinem starts Ms. magazine
The correct answer is President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Roosevelt started the Manhattan Project after receiving a letter from Albert Einstein which warmed him of the advancements made by German scientists during World War II. After hearing about these concerns, FDR wanted to ensure that the US would be ahead of Germany in terms of the development of the atomic bomb. Roosevelt knew that if Germany beat the US to this development, it could be extremely dangerous for the entire world.
He supported the Treaty of Versailles.
The most elevated positions in the administration were held by two diplomats, or pioneers, who governed the Roman Republic. A senate made out of patricians chose these consuls. The lower class residents, or plebeians, had essentially nothing to do with the administration.
In the Roman vote based system, the congresspersons and other high positioning government authorities procured a great deal of wealth.