"if" is a condition that is to say on a particular condition
The correct answer is because the Dutch surrendered.
In 1664, the English sent a fleet to take New Netherlands and the Dutch colony surrendered without a fight.
New Netherlands then became New York.
Jose de Galvez
Las reformas “borbónicas” de las que Gálvez fue promotor y ejecutor, lograron triplicar los ingresos coloniales del estado español en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII. La Nueva España se convirtió en la segunda fuente de ingresos para la Corona, superada sólo por la península.
I'm thankful that one of those things is me. Just be thankful it happened before the election. I'm so thankful he's apparently left the area. "Let's just be thankful we have guests," Dean continued as he wound a string of lights into a bouquet of blinking color, unplugged it, and set it aside with a dozen others.