The Republican Party supports a limited role for government in the economy and in social issues. For them, less government is better than big government. The party believes that the role of the government is to create the conditions for growth and prosperity of businesses, a situation that will ultimately benefit the whole society. They don´t support generous and extensive welfare policies; they rather believe in private initiative and entrepreneurship. Republican Party administrations usually cut taxes for the wealthy, reduce or revert business regulations and provide fiscal stimulus to businesses.
Rome's navy became highly advanced
It is known by the name of the Punic wars to the three armed conflicts that faced between years 264 a. C. and 146 a. C. to the two main powers of the western Mediterranean of the time: Rome and Carthage.
At the outbreak of the conflict greatly influenced the annexation by Rome of Magna Grecia, in the south of the Italian peninsula, but the main cause of the conflict between the two was the conflict of interests between the colonies of Carthage and the expansion of the Republic of Rome. The first shock occurred on the island of Sicily, partially under Carthaginian control. At the beginning of the first Punic War, Carthage was the dominant power in the western Mediterranean Sea, controlling an extensive maritime empire, while Rome was the emerging power in the center of the Italian peninsula. At the end of the third Punic war, and after decades of conflict, Rome conquered all the Carthaginian possessions and razed the city of Carthage, its capital, with which the Carthaginian faction disappeared from history.
Rome thus became the most powerful state in the western Mediterranean, which added to the end of the Macedonian wars and the defeat of the Seleucid emperor Antiochus III Megas in the Roman-Syrian war in the eastern Mediterranean, turned the Roman Republic into power dominant in the Mediterranean. The overwhelming defeat of Carthage meant a turning point that caused the knowledge of the ancient Mediterranean civilizations to pass to the modern world through Europe instead of Africa.
In 1957, in accordance with massive resistance, Governor Orval Faubus of Arkansas called upon the Arkansas National Guard to prevent nine black students from attending the newly desegregated Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas. In response, President Dwight D.
It allowed the politicians to reach the public in a new and widespread way.
<em><u>C.</u></em> <em>Supreme</em><em> </em><em>Court</em><em> </em><em>Justice</em><em> </em><em>se</em><em>rve</em><em> </em><em>for</em><em> </em><em>life.</em>