The purchase did triple the size of the US
Ans: To Norway to deliver a letter to Fortinbras uncle, King of Norway, to inform him about Fortinbras plans to attack Denmark and wants him to tell his nephew to stop.
Option: Chinese goods became available in Europe.
Silk Route was an old route for trade that connected China with the Western world (Mediterranean region). This route worked for trading until the 15th century. Some of the goods exported from China were silk, sugar, tea, porcelain, ivory, and silver. Silk considered to be a luxury item with its fine glossy texture worn by the high class of people, including kings, nobles, etc. The increasing demand for goods during the Renaissance period led to the introduction of the magnetic compass and gun powder in Europe.
Europe would be in contact with lost knowledge sooner that in reality happened. As the arab nations were more civilized than some others, the cities were preserved and the really important work of the romans would be preserved and enhanced. The gods statues were destroyed and Islam would be the only religion.
Its because they were from different parts of spain and when they marry, the parts come together