La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
Te puedo ayudar dándote el nombre de algunos pueblos indoeuropeos de donde se desprended una serie de leyendas y cuentos folclóricos que, según se cree, dieron origen a la novela de caballería en la Edad Media. Ellos fueron los Hititas, Armenios, Persas y Kurdos. Se los consideró pueblos Indo Europeos porque habitaban las regiones que hoy son parte de Europa y llegaban hasta la India.
Mucho tiempo después, ya en la Edad Media, hubo dos lugares en donde la nivela de caballería tuvo un apogeo debido a la influencia de los mitos e historias de aquellos pueblos. Nos referimos a Francia y a España. Este género literario se origina en Francia pero llegó a ser más popular en España, y de ahí se expandió a Italia, Portugal, e Inglaterra.
Vittoria Colonna represented renaissance ideals because Vittoria Colonna was a well known writer, the first secular woman to achieve a high level of literary status in Italy for venacular production, and her example opened the way for subsequent women writers to publish in all manner of genres. She devoted her later years to religion and literature, Michelangelo called her his "sun of suns" and credited her strength for lifting him closer to God.
<span>A. It is a joint process of the executive branch and Congress.</span>
<span>The Government
colonial represents the extension of English government. In an early time, all
colonies except the country of Georgia emerged as companies of Shared folders.
The original 13 colonies were set in North America of the United States. The
Government council members were given responsibilities to serve the government.
Members were elected by citizens in very town and cities to serve as the government
official. The tax and budget issues originated in this assembly. This started a
conflict and struggles.</span>
Spanish and French colonists were only going to the Americas for fur trades, gold, and silver. England went there to get religious freedom and land.