Fair is foul, and foul is fair.
It contains contradictory terms that appear in conjunction
The Scorpions thrive in the dry desert.
Okay, so in this case, you have to compare these two characters- Harrison Bergeron and Jay Gatsby. While I have limited knowledge about Jay, I can still lead you through this. Now we need to find ways that these two characters are similar, different, how they would interact with each other, and what would happen if they were in modern times. Now, this may seem like a lot, but we can make this work. Harrison is from the future, while Jay is from the past, which is a good difference. What about their personalities? What can you find that is similar? How do they act in certain situations? If you can provide a simple answer to some of these, I can help guide you through it in comments below.
Answer: he was a union leader, American labor leader.
Explanation: Chavez fought for Latino Amrican civil rights and founded the national farm workers association, he impacted my life because it showed me as the reader how he fought for rights kinda like MLK and it showed me a new perspective on American farm workers.