C. seen as profiting from the misery of others
Answer:Sumerians and Babylons
Labor markets in capitalist economies are fundamentally tilted against individual workers’ ability to bargain effectively with employers. Policy does not have to be rigged for employers to give them particular clout in labor markets; instead, the very nature of these labor markets gives them clout. In the past, when economic growth was broadly shared across the population, it was because policymakers understood this basic asymmetry and used policy levers to bolster the leverage and bargaining power of workers. Conversely, recent decades’ rise of inequality and anemic wage growth has resulted from a stripping away of these policy bulwarks to workers’ labor market power.
a constitutional arrangement by which power is equally distributed between a central government and state governments
Hope this helps!!
Answer: Most people still believed that miasmata caused disease. A miasma could be caused by rotting food, decaying corpses, excrement or any other smelly, dirty place. Although many top physicians were now challenging Galen's ideas, most ordinary people continued to believe that illness was caused by an imbalance of humours.