See below
Representation In Congress
Slavery and slave trade
Taxes and commerce
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The Code of Hammurabi is often cited as the oldest written laws on record, but they were predated by at least two other ancient codes of conduct from the Middle East. The earliest, created by the Sumerian ruler Ur-Nam-mu of the city of Ur, dates all the way back to the 21st century B.C., and evidence also shows that the Sumerian Code of Li-pit-Ishtar of Isis was drawn up nearly two centuries before Hammurabi came to power. These earlier codes both bear a striking resemblance to Hammurabi’s commands in their style and content, suggesting they may have influenced one another or perhaps even derived from a similar source.
Trotsky believed as well as Lenin did that if a communist / socialist government is to come to power (USSR) it should openly support and interfere with every conflict and help the communist factions to try to spread communism internationally. Stalin believed that too but when he came to power he changed his view, He openly wrote books talking about the possible failures of Marx and Lenin. Stalin believed that a communist / socialist country should try to create a utopia where life was so good for all citizens that all other countries in the world would want to follow that belief and convert to communism themselves.
Answer:Koester: 'A lot of people in the South thought that Harriet Beecher Stowe was slandering them...' Because of the outright declaration against slavery in this book, Southerners felt threatened. They claimed that Uncle Tom's Cabin was a 'pack of lies' and even went to the extent of banning it.