obviously a great marriage
I remember doing something like this in my English/U.S. History class, so we are in the same shoes. ¯\_✿ ³✿_/¯
Washington has a entwined history with the sport of baseball. From President William Taft to President Barack Obama, every president since William Taft - exept Jimmy Carter - has thrown at least one ceremonial pitch while in office. A lot of presidents have had a history in the sport of baseball. And some of them could have made a career out of it.
President Warren Harding, for example, owned a baseball team in Ohio. Dwight Eisenhower used to play on a junior baseball team at West Point. Even so, Washington did not have a baseball team for almost 3 decades, from 1971, till when the Nationals came in 2005. George W. Bush was the first president to throw a pitch in the new Nationals' new ballpark. The opening pitch of a baseball is truly a POTUS tradition, and always will be - I hope. -
The plot of the story 'The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World' by Gabriel García Márquez belongs to genre of magic realism. The narration develops the character of Esteban. From the beginning when the children see him as 'whale' to 'the tallest man, strongest, most virile, and best built man'. Women of the village sigh and say 'he' ours'. The arrival of Esteban transforms the whole village, men work to find out a suitable burial for him, women bring more flowers for him. Everything in the village will be different since 'memory' of Esteban will remain forever and village is itself called 'Esteban's village'.