Create a works-cited list entry for the following information. Be careful! Remember, your capitalization, spacing, and punctuati
on must be exact. A DVD produced by Orion Pictures called Joint Venture . It was directed by Sam Smith and released in 2008. NOTE: If the program will not allow you to use italics or underlining, you may ignore this formatting. will give brainliest
The modern language citation format is used in providing references about works that are not originally ours. Below is a way of citing a video using the MLA format:
<em>Joint Venture.</em> Directed by Sam Smith. Orion Pictures, 2008.
The modern language association provides a format for the citation of videos, DVDs, books, articles, television programs amongst others. The format for citing a DVD is;
Title of Movie (In italics). Director's Name. Names of performers. The Production Company and, Year of Release.
This format was applied above in citing the DVD provided.
Because only the beautiful things truly beautiful things last only for a little bit sunsets go to dark flowers in bloom die soon after even yellow leafs soon turn to brown that is also representing pony boy and how he looks at everything with aw it he wont last like that forever