Since Florida is closer to the equator, Florida's winters are warmer that Massachusetts since they are more farther from the equator
The amount of heat they are exposed to has a lot to do with the inferences and observations that they make on the density of the earth's core. The inner core is the most compact due to the fact that they have a lot of direct exposure to heat and the gravity of the earth pressung down on it. The inner core is less subjected to those conditions.
A cyclic change in the earth system repeats the same steps over and over, though not necessarily with the same results or at the same rate.
The Earth's climate cycles across a wide range of time scales, from years to decades to centuries to millennia. Different physical processes can start cycles at different scales. All of these layered systems and cycles working in concert determine the climate over any particular period.
Scientists examine Earth's cycles in an effort to understand how our world functions. Our planet's climates can vary as a result of modifications to Earth's cycles. Our understanding of how humans are influencing these cycles and how that can transform the world will grow as we learn more about them.
To learn more about cyclic change of earth here
The time required for the moon to orbit around the earth is slightly longer than the earth rotation on its axis. The moon rotates in the same direction that the earth rotates on its axis. Thus, the moon's full rotation requires another 50min or 25 minutes per crossing of the earth's meridian.
four factors:
1.pressure gradient.
2.Rossby waves.
3.jet streams.
4.local weather conditions.