ive trained so much that i hit a tree with a stick and a pinecone fell on my heal and my friends laughed at me so i chased them with the sitck then they found sticks and chased me then we had a big sword fight with sticks it was a fun day but we had blisters on our hands and sunburns plus we where coverd with dirt mud sand and sap from the trees then there was another time that i was playing a game and this guy goined the party and said he was going to hit me and my friend offline so i pulled his IP and i asked him what my ip was and he said some random ip that was not mine or my friends so at this point i knew he was fake so i used a geolocator and found out that he lived in **** and i asked him if he lived in **** then he just left but beens i had his IP i was like ok ill just type this in to my botnet... and he was offline for the next week