The major cause of tension was the fact that the Anglo settlers didn't care much for Mexican laws or Mexican culture and just wanted to get their independence. For example, Catholicism was the only religion allowed in Mexico and they practices what they wanted. They didn't even want to learn Spanish or do anything similar.
Adults work outside the home while children attend schools
With the Industrial Revolution, the Western societies experienced numerous changes. One of the biggest ones was that the population migrated from the rural to the urban areas, and the density of the population in the city increased significantly. As the migration was caused by the job opportunities in the industry, the people were working in the factories, thus out of home. Since the technology was constantly upgrading, the labor force for the future needed to have certain amount of education, so all the children where provided with education, and for that purpose numerous thousands of schools were open all over these countries.
Since there was a rise of Chinese national spirit at that time, the foreign imports were reduced, but merchants exported many goods and the Ming dynasty was one of the biggest traders in the world, if not the biggest. This period is known as one of the three golden ages of China.