People usually prefer saving their time by buying at a place where they can find all the necessity products, they pay a few cents more for a single product just because they don't have to visit another store in order to buy the remaining goods.
Sometimes we pay a few cents extra for a product as compared to the same product available somewhere else at a cheaper price because a great variety of product is available.
People usually prefer saving their time by buying at a place where they can find all the necessity products, they pay a few cents more for a single product just because they don't have to visit another store in order to buy the remaining goods.
You have the following data on three stocks: Stock Standard Deviation Beta A 20% 1.59 B 30% 1.71 C 25% 1.29 If you are a strict risk minimizer, you would choose Stock B if it is to be held in isolation and Stock A if it is to be held as part of a well-diversified portfolio.
The answer is; "these sites have <span>increased the cross-price elasticity for substitute products".
When we evaluate the responsiveness
of the demand for any good towards the change in the price of a related good
is known as cross price elasticity of demand and it is
always measured in terms of percentage.
d. the law of demand
One of the foundations of current economy, the inversely proportional relationship between prices and quantity demanded, that is, the higher the price the lower the demand, is known by economists as the law of demand.
This law is a key factor in the determination of prices of goods and services that we see each day and reflects the decrease in the marginal utility of each extra unit with an increase in price.