As penance, Jalil and his two sons build the kolba, or hut, with their bare hands for Nana.
“Jalil could have hired laborers to build the kolba, Nana said, but he didn’t. ‘His idea of penance.’” (10).
Did you have a typo? because half of these arent real words....
Variable expense
the milk becomes a variable expense because it doesn't have a fixed amount. it could be 2 or 3 or 4 or 1 depending on the number of persons having breakfast everyday over the course of the week but not 5.
if 5 milks are purchased day-in, day-out, the milk would be afixed expense but that isnt the case here.
the term variable expense ffrom the name means an expense that changes or varies from time to time
Hopi means, ‘peaceful person,’” explains historian Janet Chaca. “And our tribe is known for being experts in agriculture as well as the oldest of the native people.”
The Hopi tribe is a sovereign nation consisting of 12 villages built on three mountain plateaus located in northeastern Arizona.
Hopi artisans create Kachina dolls that represent the spirits of animals, gods, and natural elements that use their powers for the good and well-being of the Hopi people.
It also influences viewers' attitudes and beliefs about themselves, as well as about people from other social, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds. Between the 1940s and 2000s, commercial television had a profound and wide-ranging impact on American society and culture.