This answer relates to the 1930's.
Appeasement was a policy pursued by European powers, in their dealings with Nazi Germany in order to avoid a repetition of WW1, namely another conflict engulfing Europe.
Many in the West supported Hitler as someone who was bringing stability to Germany and was an effective bastion against the Soviet Union and communism.
There was also the feeling that the Treaty of Versailles had been too harsh on Germany and Hitler had justification for his territorial requests.
In 1935 the Saar once more became part of Germany after over 90% voted in favour in a plebiscite.
In 1936, Germany entered and remilitarised the Rhineland, in direct contravention of the Treaty of Versailles. Had this been stopped it may have led to a different path being taken by Hitler. however the West did nothing.
This encouraged Hitler to make further claims including the Anschluss with Austria in 1938.
Also in 1938, the Munich Agreement signed away the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia. The rest of Czechoslovakia was taken over in 1939.
Only when Germany attacked Poland did the West act with Britain and France declaring war.
I'm pretty sure the answer is ( a terminal moraines )
citizens accused of crimes would be entitled to a trial by jury.
10 is obviously the answer