The assassination of Arch Duke France Ferdinand.
Both the Democratic and Republican Parties would support the idea that the United States should defend itself both in times of war and when it feels as though it's being threatened, since both parties believe deeply in national security.
It provided Spain with free Native-American labor to produce more crops cheaply.
The Spanish collected tributes and crops from Native Americans, whom they forced to work for them. Because they didn't have to pay them like they would have to with Spanish laborers, they could harvest more crops for trade and export for a lower cost. This built Spain's economy, allowing even more power and conquest of the New World.
industrialization pushed European empires to find more resources and markets in Africa and Asia to support there Industries back at home.
If I were to write a letter regarding this case, I would
speak against the verdict. Komatsu like
majority of Japanese Americans came to the U.S. to live a better life. Many of
them enlisted in the U.S. army to prove that they were just as loyal as any
White American. I believe this verdict
was unjust.