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Answer and Explanation:
Holden means that he wants children to stop growing up so they don't need to face the adult problems that he has delt with.
"Phoebe points out that Holden has misheard the words—the actual lyric, from the Robert Burns poem, “Coming Thro' the Rye,” is “If a body meet a body coming through the rye” (Sparknotes).
Explanation:This is one of the views of those who oppose evolution especially as explained by Charles Darwin, generally, cartoonists believe that the law of natural selection is just a mere theiry. Cartoonists believe that only those who are able to fit themselves within the society can survive and that the law of Natural selection is just a circular argument.
Answer:According to the bases of the US it says that the US was created to be a different country to the corrupt countries of Europe, it is based on the fact that one of the main purpuses of the US creation was that every US citizen was totally free, so what does this mean because both security and freedom go hand in hand and each of the concepts that they have must be respected