For this assignment, type at least 200 words demonstrating the effectiveness of verbals, compound, complex, and compound-complex
sentences. Here is your goal for this lesson:
Write an original prose composition using phrases, clauses, verbals, and various sentence types
You may write about anything you would like: a short narrative telling about something you did or would like to do; a short work of fiction; a summary of a book or movie; or anything you can think of. The narrative must be cohesive (it must make sense). You must include and mark at least one correct example of each of the following:
a prepositional phrase used as an adverb (prep=adv)
a prepositional phrase used as an adjective (prep=adj)
a gerund phrase (np)
a participial phrase (part)
an infinitive used as an adverb (inf=adv)
an infinitive used as an adjective (inf=adj)
an infinitive used as a noun (inf=n)
an appositive (app)
a compound sentence (compound)
a compound-complex sentence (compound-complex)
It was a sunny afternoon<u> </u><em><u>in late October</u></em><em> </em>(prep=adv). Muriel and I had decided to check properties for sale in the countryside. We had always enjoyed toying with the idea of<em> </em><em><u>finding</u></em><u> </u><u>(np)</u> the perfect place<u> </u><u><em>to live </em></u><em>(</em>inf=adj). So we got into the car <u><em>to start as soon as possible</em></u><u> </u>(inf=adv). <u><em>After driving</em></u> (part) for hours we reached the spot, a stretch of fields forgotten <u><em>in the middle of nowhere. </em></u>(prep=adj). We had been told about this lonely place by my uncle Bob<em>, </em><u><em>the hermit</em></u><em> </em>(app).<u><em>To be </em></u><em>standing there in the absolute silence </em>(inf=n) of the place was unnerving. <em>We could hear the blades of grass rustling against each other and smell the strong stench of cows grazing nearby.</em> (compound)<em>Never had we been away from the city or felt the isolation of a rural area for this reason we rushed back to the car and drove back to our apartment as fast as we could.</em> (compound-complex).