The correct answer is option B.
The main difference between technological efficiency and economic efficiency is that technological efficiency is concerned with the quantity of outputs used while economic efficiency is concerned with the value of inputs used.
Technological efficiency implies that a firm is producing a level of input using the least possible quantity of inputs. Economic efficiency occurs when a firm is able to produce a level of output at the least possible cost.
Technological efficiency does not require economic efficiency but economic efficiency require technological efficiency.
Un recargo, pequeño, en el mismo.
Una cuenta corriente es una cuenta bancaria destinada a depósitos y retiros corrientes, y la utilización de cheques a tales fines. Dado que el uso de cheques como medio de pago ha disminuido a niveles muy bajos, la emisión de cheques ha disminuido y, en ocasiones, se ha abolido por completo. Sin embargo, la cuenta corriente a nombre sobrevive en algunos casos en el habla cotidiana.
El propósito de una cuenta de transacciones es usarse para una gran cantidad de depósitos y retiros. Los términos y condiciones de la cuenta normalmente incluyen el derecho a realizar un número ilimitado de transacciones con los fondos de la cuenta sin ningún tipo de bloqueo u otras medidas de limitación de liquidez. Por otro lado, el banco normalmente ofrece tasas de interés muy bajas o nulas sobre los fondos en circulación.
Hoy en día, la cuenta de transacciones a menudo está vinculada a varias formas de soluciones de banca por Internet para permitir pagos y otras transacciones a través de la computadora del cliente del banco. El banco también suele proporcionar tarjetas de cajero automático o tarjetas de débito a particulares con cuentas de transacciones.
Answer: A. there has been a major increase in the amount of transfer payments the government makes through programs such as Social Security and unemployment insurance.
Since the 1950s, the US government budget for Transfer Payments to Social Security Programs and Unemployment benefits has increased tremendously.
The main transfer payments are Disability and Pension/ Retirement payments and they have been on the rise since the 50s.
These Transfer Payments are both a show of Humanitarianism as well as a form of Economic Investment as they help stimulate the Economy during times or Economic Distress by pouring money into it.
A typical example would be the $1,200 that Congress voted to provide direct cash payments of which totaled around $250 billion in March this year to help Americans who were hit hard by the lockdowns that have crippled much of the American economy.
recruitment is the correct answer.
- Recruitment is a process of hiring and selecting the right and qualified person for a vacant position.
- The recruitment process involves selecting a required candidate, sourcing attracting, investigating the job qualifications, screening, analyzing the application, strategy development, evaluation and shortlisting.
- The advantages of the Recruitment process are increased applicant quality, increase manager satisfaction and improve employment name.
Needs : Frappuccino before work each day and winter coat
Wants: monthly loan payment and paying extra on the principal loan amount
Saving: rent on your apartment