Turn sadly to a adjective first: sad
Add most or -est
So it can be most sad or saddest
One of Cesar Chavez accomplishments as a civil right activist was making the Delano, California growers, pay the right amount of money the farm worker deserved. He was also the first person in America to make a collective bargain agreement contract with growers and farm workers
Hamartia is a tragic flaw that causes the downfall of a hero.
Hubris is excessive pride and disrespect for the natural order of things.
Peripeteia is the reversal of fate that the hero experiences.
Anagnorisis is a moment in time when hero makes an important discovery in the story.
Nemesis is a punishment that the protagonist cannot avoid, usually occurring as a result of his hubris.
Catharsis are feelings of pity and fear felt by the audience, for the inevitable downfall of the protagonist.
Hamartia is basically a trait the hero possess (ex. arrogance) that leads to their downfall.
Hubris means their pride gets in the way and they dirupt the order of things.
Peripeteia is when they started with one luck and it flipped (ex. good luck to bad luck, or bad luck to good luck)
Anagnorisis is when the hero finds out something big (Ex. the ememy is his long lost father)
Nemesis normally happens becase the order was dirupted and the hero has to pay the price (ex. hero cuts down a fruit tree. The fruit turns out to be the only thing that could cure the hero after being poisoned. But the tree was cut so the hero will die without the annodote)
Catharsis is basically when the audience comes to the conclusion the hero is doomed (ex. The reader relalizes the hero cut down the only tree that could save them.
The crowd is mortified by Antinous's actions.
A man verbally criticizes Antinous.
People are afraid that the gods will punish inhospitable behavior.
The second one.., Since Avonlea occupied.
This gives the setting by telling where the story took place.