Ishmael and Queequeg arrive in Nantucket with no further misadventure. Ishmael fills this brief chapter with a rhapsody on the nature of Nantucket, where, as the story goes, a small Native American boy was once carried by a bird, and where his family went after to find him, and settled, thus founding the town. Nantucket is now almost entirely a port for whaling and fishing, and Ishmael remarks that, although the great colonial powers of the earth seek far and wide for land to add to their empires, Nantucket “controls two-thirds of the world” because its denizens control the seas, and make their money in pursuit of “walruses and whales.”
3rd option- unlikely to follow other people's directions.
Monsieur Ratignolle's reaction to Arobin's remark reveals:
D. Monsieur Ratignolle is a traditional family man, unable to understand Arobin's unconventional choices.
In Kate Chopin's "The Awakening", characters Monsieur Alphonse Ratignolle and Alcée Arobin seem to function as each other's foil. That is, they are each other's opposite, one seeming to enhance the qualities of the other precisely because of such difference.
<u>Arobin is a womanizer - a Don Juan type. He has a more carefree way of viewing and facing life. As a matter of fact, he becomes the main character's - Edna - lover. On the other hand, Monsieur Ratignolle is a role model of character and faithfulness. He and his wife seem to represent the ideal married couple. Ratignolle is regarded by his community as an example of integrity.</u>
With that in mind, we can easily choose letter D as the best option: Monsieur Ratignolle is a traditional family man, unable to understand Arobin's unconventional choices.
The answer is C. A musical argument appeals almost entirely to the listener's emotions and if this isn't the right answer my other option would be D.