They were an advancement on writing and with with writing made making trades and agrements with diffrent areas easier
Smith had not been one to let religious attitude restrict his thinking. He believed that more wealth to common people would benefit a nation's economy and society as a whole. In The Wealth of Nations, Smith described a self-regulating market.
C. People valued literacy because they wanted to be able to read the Quran, and literature flourished.
spending matches revenue.
Here are general terms that are usually used by the government in order to show the condition of their budget at the end of each presidential terms:
If the Revenue is greater than spending - Surplus
If the Spending is Greater than Revenue - Deficit
If the Spending is equal to the Revenue - Balanced
In a Balanced condition, the government managed to efficiently use all the funds from the proposed budget to pay for all the programs that they created during the presidential terms.
Ideally, every presidential terms will always aim to either get a Surplus or Balanced Budget at the end of their terms. Deficit condition usually lead to an increase of National's Debt.
Answer: withstanding excessive democratic popular pressure by making it subject to indirect election through the electoral college. (Option A)
Explanation: The framers of the U.S. Constitution opposed choosing the U.S. President through popular votes.
They established that the U.S is a large state that voters wouldn't have acquired more knowledge about the candidates in other to make a better decision.
However, they believed that electoral college established by the Constitution of the United States, for the purpose of electing the president and vice president, usually have adequate information about the candidates. Hence, this process enhances informed decision making.