If you are talking about Beowulf, then Grendel is the representation of Cain. He is descendant of Cain, who committed the first murder ever. Cain and Abel were Adam and Eve's sons, and since Cain was jealous of Abel, he killed his own brother. Thus, every descendant of his is cursed, which is why Grendel is a monster.
Neutralizer is the concept that focuses on the inability of a leader to make any difference in followers outcome. Neutralizers prevent the leader from taking actions to improve work performance. Neutralizers take from the leader’s control and doesn’t improve the follower’s performance.
Thus, neutralizers stop leaders from acting as they wish. Example of neutralizer is distance between the leader and follower.
Piece of a jar is that better
duh i mean if this is history then don't you think it is about people against people like really
c. industries in the West based on available natural resources
The West have sizable quantities of ore and forests, and are used when available and needed. However, this is not too say that rely solely on these two for their economy, but is still a part of it.
The contingency approach of leadership asserts that leadership approach should be given thinking on the natural behavior of the leader and the situation requirement. So, not all good behaviors are good in every situation. So, for this theory, effective leadership depends on adapting the circumstances to the leader's style.