To be honest, I dont know. I'm actually not an American. :)
But If i had to pick one major would be making George Washington the president.
To explane.
George Washington's presidentsy in a way made America, in some aspects, what it is today.
Now imagine if he was not made a president but chose to be a dictator. I know its funny and my nest statement is going to be even funnier.
Assassins Creed 3: The rule of King George did a decadent job in imagining and explaning this. I recommend reading its plot, I think you would find it interesting. Its full of what ifs and alternative history events.
Sorry for not giving my version but its a bit hard for me to imagine something like that.
I think the death penalty is perfectly fine but it depends on the situation. If a persons robs a house or a store then they shouldn't get the death penalty but if they kill someone, they should be returned the favor. Once a murderer, always a murderer.
The judicial branch has the power to declare actions unconstitutional. Hope this helped!
Northern lawmakers were hesitant to go to war with Mexico because in the North people began to question the system as they increasingly viewed it as immoral and believed that it was wrong for person to enslave another. By starting a war with Mexico, they believe that the new territories would create more slave states and perpetuate the system further. Aside from that, President James Polk also wanted to acquire the territories of California, New Mexico and Oregon. Eventually war broke out when American troops to the Rio Grande and Nueces River regard as disputed territories.