The answer to your question is ( Stood Silent)
I think their relationship wasn't really in friendly terms. I think their relationship is fueled by the idea of defeating Germany and Japan. Both leaders were good military strategists, they work on synchrony on how they can defeat their enemies. Roosevelt was the first to approach Churchill and was able to get him to supply the US with arms and a naval fleet in order to defeat Japan and Germany
B because they thought the treaty was unfit for the Germans and what they did
“Because my undertakings have attained success, I know that it will be pleasing to you: these I have determined to relate, so that you may be made acquainted with everything done and discovered in this our voyage.” ( Paragraph 1)
B and D
The Black Plague brought about disease EVERYWHERE. Most importantly since it was so contagious, it spread through trade and other human contact. Due to the multitude who died, a lot of those holding a leadership status, leaders were lost, diminishing the power of the empires and nations created. Along with this, trade could not be completed or facilitated with the lack of participation among affected city states.
Kono Dio Da!!!