<h3><u>Vocabulary in Context: The History of Hip-Hop</u></h3>
<em>Answer 9. </em>The music promoter said, "We don't just want a <em><u>respectable</u></em>-looking group on stage. What we want is a group that looks good, but has an inner-city feel to it."
Answer 10. Few sayings are as simple or as <em><u>eloquent</u></em> as "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
Answer 11. The <em><u>memorable</u></em> of the disastrous concert happened when the lead singer forgot the lyrics to the band's most famous song.
Answer 12. As the strong winds began to <em><u>gyrate</u></em> and form a tornado, my family and I gathered some supplies and ran to our basement.