Gutenberg made the Bible easier to afford and easier to find as well. He made it to where families all across the world could own a Bible, where the education part comes in, to learn about God and grow to someday be the best they possibly can. He changed society by not only printing the Bible, but also by making more of each book, so everyone could have what they wanted.
Answer: It increased competition in major industries and forced businesses to lower prices. It enabled industries to gain access to new sources of raw materials and new markets.
How did President Hoover respond to the problems and challenges created by the Great Depression? ... Hoover convinced Congress to lower income tax rates and to use $423 million for public projects. Signed Agricultural Marketing Act and raised prices for suffering farmers.
d) create jobs, invest in education and infrastructure, and support low-income families.
The fundamental goal of this federal act, which was developed in response to the Great Recession, was to preserve existing employment while also creating new ones as quickly as feasible. Investing in infrastructure, schools, hospitals, and alternative energy sources were other priorities, in addition to short-term aid for those hit worst by the crisis.