Answer:Human rights are basic rights and freedoms that protect us all. They are based on dignity, fairness, equality and respect. ... When people think of human rights abuses associated with business activities they may think of sweatshops in foreign countries where child labour and unsafe working conditions are commonplace.The construction rights give the right to erect non-residential buildings or engineering structures on a land plot owned by another person. It will not be possible to erect residential buildings on the basis of construction rights. ... The Construction rights may be granted for remuneration or free of charge.
<span><u>written constitution = </u><u>after unification</u>
<em /><em>During revolutions in 1848-1849, the Frankfurt Parliament had produced a constitution for a unified Germany, but that move was rejected at the time by the king of Prussia, to whom the constitution was offered. </em>
<u>300 German states = </u><u>before unification</u>
<em>The German states had a long history of sovereignty in their individual territories. <u>Unification</u> meant bringing all those states together into one national entity.
<u>trade facilitated in the region = </u><u>before unification</u>
<em>The Zollverein, or customs union, was created between the German states in the 1830s. This eliminated customs tariffs between states and was a step that began moving in the direction of unification.
<u>risk of French aggression = </u><u>before unification</u>
<em>Germany became a united empire after the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71. Victory over France in that war by the German states operating as a coalition was part of what brought about unification.
<u>boundaries changed by Napoleon = </u><u>before unification</u>
<em>When Napoleon conquered territories throughout Europe in the early 1800s, he rearranged borders to enhance his empire's management of conquered territories. In the German states, this made them work together in ways they had not before, and was a catalyst toward desires for unification.
<u>two-house legislature = </u><u>after unification</u>
<em /><em>There was a legislature in the North German Confederation (1867-1870), which preceded unification. But that was a single-house (unicameral) parliament, whereas the Reichstag (legislature) of the unified German Empire was bicameral.</em>
i dont know the answer of this question sorry some one help him
C. Success
They thought it was a dream. It was a huge deal back then.
By strengthening the earlier Fugitive Slave Act of 1793, the later laws further pressured citizens to take sides regarding the issue of slavery. Tensions between the North and South quickly increased, leading to the eventual secession of the South and the ensuing Civil War.
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